Thursday, July 06, 2006

I Remember

Today my daughter turned 18... I remember:

1. The night you were conceived
2. Talking Laughing and Reading to you while yet in the womb
3. Feeling your moves before ever being birthed
4. Being there at your birth
5. Hearing your first coo
6. Counting your fingers and toes
7. Seeing you open your eyes the frst time
8. The smell of your new born body
9. Your mother and I writing "your special song" whic we still sing often
10. The many diapers that I had the pleasure of changing
11. Your first steps
12. Hearing you speak and count
13. The surprise when your mother and I found out that you had taught your self to read (at 4 yrd old)
14. Your kisses
15. Your baptism
16. Your love of life
17. Your care and concern for others


But most of all I remember our love for one another.

Happy Birthday my dear sweet daughter!

With Love,


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