Wednesday, April 19, 2006

Biblical Principals of Work and the Biblical Work Ethic (Part 6)

Biblical Principals of Work and the Biblical Work Ethic (Part 6)

The Points Of The Basic Christian Work Ethic:

1. Christians acknowledge work is a Creational Ordinance

2. Christians perform work six days and rest the seventh

3. Christians work for Christ, as his slaves

4. Christians work at any task in this manner so long as it is not against God’s commands

5. Christians are to work in this manner no matter who their earthly employers may be

6. Christian work ethic focus is on Christ whether their masters are harsh or kind

7. Christians are to work diligently whether the hard work is recognized or not by the masters

8. Christians are to work heartily (well)

9. Christians work with the knowledge that Christ sees all and willreward the efforts

10. Christ never treats His people unfairly

11. Christians are not to waste time by pilfering,they are not to cut corners nor complain

12. Christians are to work not to please men but to please Christ.

13. Christians that employee others are to treat employees fairly, walking in their shoes

14. Christian employers are to recognize that they too have someone over them

15. Christian employers are to recognize that they will have to give an answer for how they serve Christ and do his commandments

16. Christian employers are to remember that the laborer is worthy of his hire (Lk. 10:7; 1 Cor. 9:14)


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