Tuesday, April 18, 2006

God's Church Is Unified

God's Church Is Unified
I Love the sweet delight that we have inChrist as men from all over the world in th Church dwell together in unity. The delight is refreashing, cool and gentle as the affects are like the sweet smell of anointment oil, oozing downeven to the garment hems. Oh the freshness, smell, cleaniness, massage and climatic ecaxsty enjoined.

The the dew of the early morning wetting the ground to bring forth fruit. Fruit comes from unity When those blessings are seen and understood peace and exciting anticipation come along with a view to the future guided by love for the brethern.

I am so glad Baptists and Presbyterians and Trinitarian pentecostals are in agreement and unity in Christs kingdom. There is no room for discord which the Lord hates!

WE ALL BELEIVE THAT GOD IS: And this is stated beautifully in the creeds and confessions of the Church.

Some Churches may carry out some things differerntly such as The Lords Supper is a set at a table meal, ir a small wine cup and bread wafer, but either way they are in unity in that all the Church partakes. Pras\ise the Lord. Some may baptize by pouring , immersion or sprinlkling yet all baptise. Aome Churches use Elders and deacons while some only want a pastor and deacond. Yet there is still unity.

I call you to spend time reading each of the sections and you will rejoive in the unity there is in Christ's Churc. Live refreshed knowing that the oil running down and the due from hermon are blessings for all of God' united Church. AMEN!

A Guaranteed Blessing As You Read and Compare

Ancient Creeds For Unity

The Apostles' Creed
The Nicene Creed
The Athanasian Creed
The Chalcedonian Creed

Reformed Confessions Ror Unity

The Three Forms of Unity
The Belgic Confession of Faith
The Canons of Dort
The Heidelberg Catechism
The Westminster Standards
The Westminster Confession of Faith
The Larger Catechism
The Shorter Catechism

Continental Reformed Confessions For Unity

The French Confession
The Second Helvetic Confession
The Waldensian Confession

Other Unifying Documents

The Thirty-nine Articles of Religion
The Savoy Declaration of Faith andOrder
The London Confession of BaptistFaith

Practice For Unity

The Children's Catechism
The Shorter Catechism

Modern Statements For Unity

The Lausanne Covenant
The Manila Manifesto
The Chicago Statement on Biblical Inerrancy


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